We empower women to recognize God in their lives, document their stories, to “fix” it to their hearts and God, and then share it with others so they know they are not alone. Through recording and sharing stories, we aim to create a collective of faithful women supporting one another through life’s peaks and valleys.
The Faith Collective Team
Hey there. I’m Kati, the founder, photographer, and creative director of The Faith Collective. I’ve spent the last 22 years of my life with my face behind the lens of a camera learning how to tell stories and see the light of Christ in others. I’m incredibly passionate about recording God in our stories and if we meet in person, I’ll most likely beg to take your photo and force you to write down all the things that matter most to you in this world. I have four kids who are incredibly familiar with my face as a lens and a husband who doesn’t even complain when I say “one more photo.” I feel blessed every day that I can use my talents to share stories of God and I’m beyond humbled that so many incredible women have trusted me to help record such sacred moments in their lives.
Hi, I’m Lizzie! I’m a chronic over-feeler and lover of snacks. I’m the founder, social media director, and biggest cheerleader of The Faith Collective. I am a people person through and through. My relationships are the most important part of my life and that bleeds into everything that I am and do! My fight to grow my family has shaped me and my relationship with Jesus and has fueled my unwavering love for motherhood and storytelling. I’m passionate about helping people feel loved, wanted, and needed. I believe that documenting and sharing our stories allows us to love, appreciate, and own what we have been through while solidifying our identity as a child of God. As we find Him along our path, we begin to love our journey and not resent our past.
HELLO! I’m Natalie, just a girl, chatting my way through life in Oregon with my husband, 3 little adventurers, and a crazy pup. I feel strongly about being outside, reading aloud, making my guy laugh, recreational dancing, and snuggling my babies. I’m a flower farmer, a storyteller, and a gatherer. My faith in God is ever-changing, often tested by the ebbs and flows of daily life, but one thing stands constant — God knows me by name, loves me, and guides me daily. The raconteur inside me loves everything about The Faith Collective and the incredible women we have met and will meet. God wants us to unearth beauty, however subtle or hidden it might be. I hope you come to value and find inspiration in these stories because sometimes sharing our story is the only power we have to unearth the beauty to help those around us.
Hi! I’m Amanda. I live in the Bay Area with my husband Tommy and three kids. My day usually will include tasty snacks, phone calls bugging my mom and my three sister best friends, a few laughs, some tears (I’m an enneagram 4 and I will be understood), a few Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups, pep talks for my kids, prayers, a million screenshots of interiors, and snuggles with my kids. I feel happiest when I’m having good and honest conversations with my people. One of the times I feel the most understood is when I’m being photographed by Kati. It makes me feel strong and brave and ownership of who I am and who I’m becoming. She has taught me the beauty of storytelling both visually and with our words. When I write down my story, it provides clarity and helps me understand the purpose and perspective of the experiences I have gone through. We can see things the way God would want us to.
Hi friends. I grew up in Utah, where I met my husband Brent, and then moved to Southern CA, where we raised our 4 amazing daughters. I am now known as Nana to 11 darling grandkids who are so fun to spoil. Although I miss the 4 seasons and family in Utah, it has been a wonderful life living in California. I love this stage of life, but somehow thought life would slow down. Life is as busy as it ever was. I set a goal to earn my Bachelor's degree before turning 60 and I finally did it, with 2 months to spare! I love my family, music, reading, baking, and most of all, traveling with my husband. I love being outside in nature to commune with God. I’m honored and humbled to be a part of this beautiful community of faith. I have seen God’s hand in my life countless times and know how important it is to recognize it, document it, and share it with others so we can strengthen one another.
Hi, I'm Haley! I'm a journalist, dancer, and dance teacher in New York City. After years of struggling with a debilitating chronic health condition, I’m now living my dreams of pursuing a professional performance career in (what I believe is) the greatest city in the world. I live here with my wonderful husband and our adorable golden retriever named Lucky. I love being part of the Faith Collective and have a strong testimony of recording and sharing our stories. Our only defense against the relentlessness of time is to capture the moments that are most meaningful to us. More than that, it gives us the chance to thank the Lord for the gift of life and show him we intend to remember it, learn from it, and grow from it.
I’m Jennie Swenson, and I’m a writer, editor, and content creator at The Faith Collective. I believe that documenting our stories is a sacred partnership with God. Through the process of writing, God can reveal to us and our posterity personalized messages and witnesses of His goodness. Recording my story has transformed my perspective and the way I see my experiences; I more clearly see His fingerprints over every aspect of my life. God is everything to my story, and I’m filled with so much gratitude for anyone willing to share how God is walking with them in their story, too. In addition to working with the Faith Collective, you can find me coaching teens as they discover post-secondary paths, editing college essays, creating volunteer initiatives for children and youth, and adventuring (or sometimes simply surviving) with my husband and two kids.
My name is Rebekka Mattingly and I help with organizational management and writing for The Faith Collective. I live in Orange County with my husband and high school sweetheart and our three children; twin boys and a little girl. I love Golden State Warriors basketball, San Francisco 49ers football, watching my kids play soccer and warm chocolate chip cookies. I’ve learned that if I want my kids and posterity to really know who I am, it’s important for me to document my life. My hope is they will be able to see God’s impact in their lives and stories by seeing how God has impacted me in my story. God’s hand in my life has been strong and constant, and that deserves to be documented.
Hi! I’m Carli Lowry, a writer here at The Faith Collective. I’m a homeschool mom living in Utah with my husband, son, and two dogs. I have a deep love for motherhood, vulnerability, the mountains, and music. Documenting my stories has become an important part of my life. When I’m writing my story, it’s therapeutic; getting all of my thoughts, emotions, experiences, and consequent life lessons out of my head and onto paper acts as a form of healing for me. Sometimes it is hard to see God’s hand when I’m in the throes of adversity, and documenting those experiences is a way for me to reflect on them with new eyes. The Lord’s hand is always more clear to me - like divine signatures penned throughout my story, giving even the darkest memories brilliant glimmers of peace, hope, gratitude, and growth. Through sharing my stories, I have found a sense of community and connection that is unparalleled, and I want everyone I meet to partake in that goodness.
Hi there, I’m Kinnsi. I’m a big believer in balance; sweet and salty, exercise and naps, Jesus…and more Jesus. I’m the luckiest wife, mom to 4 totally rad kids, Nevada Hands & Voices board member, Faith Collective writer, and beloved daughter of God. Stories of faith are my jam! I believe that documenting sacred moments of trial and triumph sends an echo of Christ from one life to the next and connects us all in the most beautiful way. Christ is my story and my greatest desire is to live a life that witnesses of Him.
Hey, I’m Kati Holland! I live in Southern California with my sweet husband and three little ones, where we enjoy spending time outdoors and adventuring. I love all things design, holistic living, and nature connection, and I am also a registered yoga instructor. Most recently, I created and hosted my first wellness retreat, I AM WOMAN. I’m a peace-seeker, a lover of books and old movies, and most of all, a spiritual student. I deeply believe in the written word and know the power that comes from recognizing God in my story. We are innate storytellers, and by recording God in our lives, we can heal the past and be strengthened for the journey to come.